Binance-Peg Litecoin币价格今日行情_LTC(litecoin)最新价格
2025-02-05 12:45:46
Binance-Peg Litecoin(LTC) 今日行情
更新于:2025-02-05 12:45:41
  • 24小时最高价 $ 105.94221
    24小时最低价 $ 98.737945
  • 24小时涨跌幅 $ -0.0111
    1周涨跌幅 $ -0.0945
  • 1周最高价 $ 134.61637
    1周最低价 $ 81.755744
  • 1月最高价 $ 140.79758
    1月最低价 $ 81.755744
  • 历史最高价 $ 419.94826
    历史最低价 $ 1.11374
Binance-Peg Litecoin(LTC)行情数据/交易对
  • 交易平台 最新价格 24H成交量 24H交易额 24小时涨幅 更新时间
  • binance-future LTC-PERPETUAL/USDT 102.90 2,311,056.00 $0.24亿 -0.01 刚刚
  • bybit-futures LTC-PERPETUAL/USDT 102.87 1,849,638.00 $0.19亿 -0.0124 刚刚
  • okex-future LTC-PERPETUAL/USDT 103.00 1,692,910.00 $0.17亿 -0.0115 刚刚
  • binance LTC/USDT 102.94 1,279,343.00 $0.13亿 -0.0106 刚刚
  • gate-io-futures LTC-PERPETUAL/USDT 102.89 876,048.00 $902.21万 -0.0052 刚刚
  • gdax LTC/USD 102.96 539,929.00 $555.91万 -0.0061 刚刚
  • gate-io LTC/USDT 102.99 521,910.00 $538.02万 0.2283 刚刚
  • okex LTC/USDT 102.95 409,616.00 $417.55万 -0.0121 刚刚
  • bybit LTC/USDT 103.00 404,100.00 $411.81万 -0.0098 刚刚
  • p2pb2b LTC/USDT 101.58 378,831.00 $385.18万 0.2109 刚刚
  • mxc LTC/USDT 103.01 337,023.00 $347.49万 -0.0096 刚刚
  • bigone LTC/USDT 103.02 328,358.00 $338.59万 -0.01 刚刚
  • huobipro LTC/USDT 102.91 256,741.00 $261.62万 0.2276 刚刚
  • okex-future LTC-PERPETUAL/USD 103.03 233,661.00 $240.74万 -0.012 刚刚
  • xt LTC/USDT 103.07 215,242.00 $219.18万 -0.0088 刚刚
  • bitget-futures LTC-PERPETUAL/USDT 102.87 185,839.00 $189.29万 -0.0123 刚刚
  • yobit LTC/BTC 0.00 163,985.00 $167.3万 0.1543 刚刚
  • bitget LTC/USDT 103.01 161,572.00 $164.33万 -0.0115 刚刚
  • lbank LTC/USDT 103.04 107,969.00 $109.97万 -0.0064 刚刚
  • whitebit LTC/USDT 102.82 105,074.00 $107.35万 0.2259 刚刚
  • binance-future LTC-PERPETUAL/USDC 102.95 94,875.50 $96.64万 -0.0105 刚刚
  • binance LTC/USDC 103.13 94,325.30 $95.95万 -0.0071 刚刚
  • p2pb2b LTC/USD 101.62 90,218.30 $91.68万 0.2106 刚刚
  • poloniex LTC/USDT 102.93 83,279.30 $84.89万 -0.0124 刚刚
  • kucoin LTC/USDT 102.92 76,622.50 $77.99万 0.2269 刚刚
  • latoken LTC/USDT 103.06 73,895.00 $76.23万 -0.0088 刚刚
  • binance LTC/BTC 0.00 66,981.80 $67.82万 0.0096 刚刚
  • kraken-futures LTC-PERPETUAL/USD 103.04 64,006.30 $65.18万 -0.0106 刚刚
  • kraken LTC/USD 103.03 61,259.70 $63.12万 0.0192 刚刚
  • btse LTC/USDT 102.88 49,523.90 $50.5万 -0.0053 刚刚
  • coinw LTC/USDT 102.97 46,465.20 $47.89万 -0.0105 刚刚
  • gdax LTC/EUR 98.77 42,619.30 $43.69万 0.2058 刚刚
  • kraken LTC/EUR 99.30 29,378.80 $30.28万 0.018 刚刚
  • coinex LTC/USDT 102.93 24,638.50 $25.38万 -0.0112 刚刚
  • binance LTC/FDUSD 103.17 23,374.60 $23.85万 -0.0096 刚刚
  • toobit LTC/USDT 103.04 23,121.30 $23.56万 -0.0065 刚刚
  • okex LTC/BTC 0.00 22,020.30 $22.2万 0.0096 刚刚
  • bybit LTC/USDC 102.65 19,268.20 $19.59万 -0.0161 刚刚
  • bingx LTC/USDT 102.93 17,874.00 $18.21万 -0.01 刚刚
  • whitebit LTC/TRY 3,716.00 13,989.50 $14.32万 0.2805 刚刚
  • bitstamp LTC/USD 103.12 13,698.70 $14.13万 0.0209 刚刚
  • gdax LTC/BTC 0.00 12,852.60 $13.21万 0.1418 刚刚
  • whitebit LTC/BTC 0.00 12,773.70 $12.94万 0.1713 刚刚
  • binance LTC/TRY 3,709.00 11,954.20 $12.19万 -0.0109 刚刚
  • binance LTC/ETH 0.04 10,238.70 $10.39万 0.0165 刚刚
  • whitebit LTC/EUR 99.85 9,389.22 $9.64万 0.2531 刚刚
  • lbank LTC/USDC 103.04 9,065.49 $9.24万 -0.0073 刚刚
  • gdax LTC/GBP 83.19 8,342.52 $8.66万 0.2153 刚刚
  • whitebit LTC/USD 103.55 5,608.90 $5.73万 0.227 刚刚
  • exmo LTC/USDT 103.00 4,955.74 $5.11万 0.226 刚刚
Binance-Peg Litecoin币种介绍

Binance-Peg Litecoin(LTC)基于币安链,以1:1的比例与莱特币(LTC)进行包装和挂钩。还支持BEP20代币在币安网上存取。

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency created by Charlie Lee. It was created based on the Bitcoin protocol but differs in terms of the hashing algorithm used. Litecoin uses the memory intensive Scrypt proof of work mining algorithm. Scrypt allows consumer-grade hardware such as GPU to mine those coins. Why Litecoin? Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that has evolved from Bitcoin after its own popularity in the industry, this alternative, or ‘altcoin’ has emerged to allow investors to diversify their digital currency package, according to Investopedia. Litecoin is one of the most prominent altcoins and was created by former Google employee and Director of Engineering at Coinbase, Charlie Lee. Litecoin was the first to alter Bitcoin and the most significant difference is that it takes 2.5 minutes for Litecoin to generate a block, or transaction, in comparison to Bitcoin's 10 minutes. ‘While this matters little to traders, miners who use hardware to run Bitcoin's network cannot switch over to Litecoin. This keeps bigger mining conglomerates away from Litecoin because they cannot easily optimize their profits by swapping to another coin, contributing to a more decentralized experience. Litecoin also has bigger blocks, and more coins in circulation, making it more affordable and swift when transacting,’ Investopedia explained. As explained above, Litecoin can transact a lot faster than Bitcoin, but there are also a number of other characteristics that investors need to know before trading. Litecoin can handle higher volumes of transactions because of the capability of transacting faster and if Bitcoin attempted to transact on the scale of its altcoin, a code update would be needed. However, Litecoin’s blocks would be larger, but with more ‘orphaned blocks'. The faster block time of litecoin reduces the risk of double spending attacks - this is theoretical in the case of both networks having the same hashing power. Litecoin Technical Details: The transaction confirmation time taken for Litecoin is about 2.5 minutes on average (as compared to Bitcoin's 10 minutes). The Litecoin network is scheduled to cap at 84 million currency units. Litecoin has inspired many other popular alternative currencies (eg. Dogecoin) because of its Scrypt hashing algorithm in order to prevent ASIC miners from mining those coins. However it is said that by the end of this year, Scrypt ASIC will enter the mass market.